Friday, May 23, 2008

School Meetings with JT

Meeting with Facilitator
7th March 2008
First meeting with Jan, regarding how to implement inquiry learning at Taitoko School. After coming back from conference with several new ideas and some inquiry knowledge I decided I needed to do a little professional reading around Inquiry learning.
The icwc wikispace thanks to Jan helped me get started and then with some knowledge of schools that are using an inquiry model, I got onto the internet and started researching about inquiry learning to broaden my understanding.

After meeting with Jan we decided that we would start with the theory of inquiry learning and finding out what the teachers think inquiry is. This providing us with a platform to know what next?
We then put togehter an action plan for staff meetings as well as writing our goals for 2008.
Things that needed to continue to create sustainabilty were:
-continue to upskill staff by introducing sandpit time and a buddy system
-as part of appraisals teachers are expected to incude an ICT goal
-continue to improve systems for maintaing equipment and teacher frustrations with ICT

After our important meetings with Jan T we have put in place an action plan for staff professional development around Inquiry learning. Step by step process so that we collectively we come to a comon understaning of What is Inquiry.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Inquiry learning Professional Development

As part of our ICWC cluster we had the pleasure of having Jan Marie-Kellow visit and share her wealth of experience in relation to Inquiry Learing. It was a pleasure listening to her ideas. Our next step for Taitoko School is to start the 'Inquiry Journey' with our staff.

Jan Marie- gave us a lot to think about, by questioning us ‘Why inquiry?’ What is your definition of ‘What is inquiry based learning?’ She then shared some common understandings that she has come to through her research that would help us implement Inquiry in our schools.
Student ownership - children coming up with their own questions or wonderings.
Children must know what the purpose is and relevance, even if the teacher has brought the issue to the surface.

Authentic context - Ask questions or seek advice that attend to real-life issues, where possible. Things that the children are interested or want to find out!
I wonder wall – this provides children with an opportunity to share what they want to know or simply get support with answering their question.